I tweeted offhandedly a few days ago that I wanted to do more music stuff with friends in 2023, since it hasn’t really ever happened organically for me but is always something I’d wished I was a part of!

A few friends replied and DM’d me so I thought I’d put something together ✨

I realised that that working out an approach for sharing little bits of ideas could have a lot of overlap with another idea I’ve wanted to try for ages… making little bits of ideas!

One of my favourite artists, Masakatsu Takagi, has an ongoing series of small compositions called ‘Marginalia’. They are daily piano recordings at Takagi’s private studio surrounded by mountains in Hyogo, Japan.

As per his Bandcamp, “open all the windows, welcome sounds from the nature, playing the Piano without preparing, no overdubbing, no fixing, just as it is.”

I think this is very beautiful! It’s very interesting how ideas in these short recordings echo throughout his larger, more prepared works. I would definitely reccomend spending some time with them.

I’m going to try something similar, spending time each day recording little ideas on synth, guitar, and sampler. No more than half an hour. Uploaded as soon as I make them.

I’m going to call it ‘WJ23 Dailies’, a shared Dropbox folder that I’m going to upload little ideas to. Am going to try do it everyday 🐉 The first one is up now 💗

I’m releasing them under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, which basically means you can:

  • adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the recordings
  • copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

As long as you:

  • give appropriate credit to me (tag me on whatever platforms you’re sharing it on, and send me a link, I’m excited to hear what you make!)
  • don’t use it for commercial purposes
  • share whatever you make under the same Creative Commons license that I’ve used

Made something you love that you want to release on streaming platforms, sell, or use commercially? Get in touch with me!. Would love to chat <3

I’m super excited to make more little things more regularly, and super keen to hear any ideas of yours that these little recordings might spark ⛈

xoxo gossip wolfjay 🌸🍾✈️